Monday, April 21, 2008

The Peak Program

This is the story I have been working on over the last two months. I'm pretty sure that I am going to stop with it because I don't really feel like it is going anywhere and would like to start working on something else. But I would appreciate some criticism, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Angela Wilhelm said...

I think this is a really good subject and you have some good images here. This definitely left me wanting to know more about the program. The audio throws me off a bit when the volume changes in the middle and it gets quieter. Also, I can see how the baby crying relates to the photo, but it sort of jumps out at me because it doesn't relate to the rest of the audio or the other photos. Are you finished photographing this?

P.S. How did you add this to your blog? I couldn't figure out how to put my multimedia on mine.